Maintenance is the obligation to provide another person, for example a minor, with housing, food, clothing, education and medical care, or with the means that are necessary for …
Manage your car maintenance with CARFAX Car Care app. Get free service alerts, vehicle history, and more. Download it now for iOS and Android.
With condition-based maintenance, technicians observe the system running and identify variables that could affect functioning, like temperature, vibration speed, …
The maintenance of a building, road, vehicle, or machine is the process of keeping it in good condition. They can no longer afford the car's high maintenance costs. : …
maintenance คืออะไร maintenance แปลว่าอะไร maintenance มีความหมายอย่างไร พร้อม ...
The oldest type of maintenance, which is also the most expensive, is known as corrective maintenance. All of that aside, corrective maintenance isn't bad and shouldn't be left …
مهاتما غاندي. يُعَدُّ المهاتما غاندي -وهو رجل هنديّ الأصل- من أوائل الداعمين للثقافة التي تنبذ العنف، كما أنّه يُعَدُّ من أوائل المُشجِّعين، والمُؤيِّدين للمُقاومة، ولكن بشكل سلميّ ...
Planned maintenance is often as simple as a regular, planned inspection or seasonal maintenance: Much like preventive maintenance, planned maintenance isn't …
Our Services Home Services Our Services We Provide Best Services For You Marketing Marketing and promoting Indian products and companies in Arab countries. Finding …
MAINTENANCE ý nghĩa, định nghĩa, MAINTENANCE là gì: 1. the work needed to keep a road, building, machine, etc. in good condition: 2. money that a…. Tìm ...
Define maintenance. maintenance synonyms, maintenance pronunciation, maintenance translation, English dictionary definition of maintenance. n. 1. The act of maintaining or …
Reactive maintenance adopts a "run-to-fail" policy whereby maintenance doesn't occur at all until a piece of equipment actually stops working. Then the needed repair must be …
maintenance - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free.
Preventive Maintenance. Out of the six types of maintenance, preventive maintenance seeks out and repairs more minor issues and decreases the occurrence of major …
6 meanings: 1. the act of maintaining or the state of being maintained 2. a means of support; livelihood 3. of or relating to.... Click for more definitions.
CMMS Software / Web Based Maintenance Management Software for doing Equipment Maintenance, Facility Maintenance and Plant Maintenance with features including …
The maintenance of a building, road, vehicle, or machine is the process of keeping it in good condition. They can no longer afford the car's high maintenance costs. American …
Maintenance that requires a reboot. In the rare case where VMs need to be rebooted for planned maintenance, you'll be notified in advance. Planned maintenance …
Good Pool Maintenance Begins with Knowing Your Pool. Before you can properly enjoy or care for your pool, you might need to brush up on all the parts of your …
Arabic term or phrase:إن غداً لناظره قريب. -. atefwasfy. KudoZ activity Questions: 354 ( 9 open) ( 8 closed without grading) Answers: 74. Local time: 15:21. English …
At its core, a preventive maintenance strategy 2 is about fixing things before they break. It involves scheduled maintenance tasks aimed at extending the equipment's lifespan and …
1 maintenance (of something) the act of keeping something in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly The school pays for heating and the maintenance of the …
As well as integrating with BI platforms, MaintainX makes it easy to analyze data directly within the MaintainX dashboard. Admins can access pre-built reports on Time & Cost, …
maintain: [verb] to keep in an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity) : preserve from failure or decline.
a maintenance worker [=a worker whose job is to keep property or equipment in good condition] a maintenance fee. She works in the company's maintenance department. …
MAINTENANCE definition: 1. the work that is done to keep something in good condition: 2. regular amounts of money that…. Learn more.
The house requires minimal maintenance. The power station has been shut down for essential maintenance. We carry out routine maintenance of the equipment. We …
Maintenance team members and business users can use the rich analytics provided by MaintWiz including KPI dashboards, equipment scorecards, and interactive charts. Based on the enterprise business requirements, …
Maintenance tasks often involve working with heavy machinery, electrical systems, and hazardous substances, which pose potential risks to the health and safety …
يمكننا توضيح أهم المعلومات عن مسيرة غاندي في حياته من خلال الآتي: 1. بدأ غاندي في ممارسة مهنة المحاماة في الهند لمدة سنتين وتعتبر هذه المهنة هي أول تجاري غاندي في الحياة العملية ولكنها باءت بالفشل وذلك بسبب سوء الحظ … See more
Software Maintenance refers to the process of modifying and updating a software system after it has been delivered to the customer. This involves fixing bugs, …
مهما يكن من أمر، إن غدًا لناظره قريب. No matter what happens tomorrow morning, I will see him soon.: ولذلك فإن أفضل رد على مَنْ يرون أن التداعيات الاقتصادية والمالية لحرب ترامب التجارية ضئيلة على نحو يدعو إلى الدهشة - هو: إن غدا …
Everything from air conditioning units to plumbing and electrics.Don't worry! We've got you covered with our expert property maintenance services. With over 10 …
MAINTENANCE meaning: 1. the work needed to keep a road, building, machine, etc. in good condition: 2. money that a…. Learn more.
30 فائدة من فوائد اشواغاندا التجديد وطول العمر. أشواغاندا هي فقط ما نحتاجه عند الإجهاد حيث أن هذه العشبة لها خصائص طبيعي ة لتهدئتك وتعزيز قدرتك على التحمل كما أنه يعيد التوازن إلى جسمك، هذا هو السبب في أن العشبة تسمى ...